Thursday, September 3, 2015

How To Visually Communicate:

          When thinking about communication one knows that there are many forms, and several ways that something can be communicated. Some say things can be communicated verbally, non-verbally and visually as long as a message is being sent and received it can be considered a form of "communication." The most diligent form of communication is verbal, telling someone what you mean is powerful and you can add emphasis to the message by changing the tone of your voice or your delivery. My mother for example uses a certain tone of voice with me which lets me know I'm in deep trouble and that she means business.

         Visual communication is a very intriguing thing, its amazing that you can send such an impactful message without saying a word. A few important elements to visual communication is for certain color, the schemes can change the entire mood of the message for example bright colors suggest happiness while darker colors suggest sadness or depression. I believe that color is a key element to visually communicating, however if the message is in black and white it makes it more difficult to focus on color so one should then focus on other important elements such as images and what they are reading.

      Apple is a great company for visual communication, all of their products are produced to be user-friendly and sleek. The release of the IPhone C really changed the game for Apple, they now featured products in bright colors such as yellow, pink, blue and green. Up until that point the company only carried their products in the traditional silver, grey and gold. Apple is genius when it comes to marketing and designing, keeping it user-friendly allows for their products to attract consumers of all different walks of life.

          Christian Louboutin is A European based shoe designer who is known for his brilliant designs and bright color red bottoms on the soles of his shoes, I believe that Christian's vision of the red bottom shoe is what gave his business such global success along with their beautiful designs. One can recognize a pair of Louboutin's by simply seeing the bright red soles on the back of the heel, to me this is impactful because everyone would then associate those beautiful shoes to the name 'Christian Louboutin'.

          Lastly I would like to mention the infamous Kim Kardashian who is known visually for her curvy frame, good looks and amazing style. From the start Kim's career has been driven by her visual appearance while everything else has come second. This does have its positive's because it has made her extremely successful however is constantly scrutinized for being a 'sex symbol' who has no talentless.

Perception is key to communication, how one perceives something is the deciding factor of how much impact the message will have on them. When verbally communicating it is extremely important that perception is the number one element in mind in order to assure impact and importance.