Monday, December 21, 2015

The Final Chapter

I really looked forward to designing our websites throughout the entire semester and I couldn’t wait to get started on it. The construction of the site was so painless and actually quite enjoyable. I came from working with HTML codes on myspace which allowed me to navigate throughout the process smoothly. Adobe DreamWeaver was so user friendly and really made this procedure that much more effortless, it was my first time working with DreamWeaver and my overall experience was surely a positive one. Throughout the semester we've worked with almost all of the Adobe Creative Suite and most of the applications we're extremely user friendly and beneficial.

 I was able to work on my own right away once I was introduced to the software because it is very easy to manage. My favorite element of DreamWeaver was the 'split view' option which allowed us to work and view our progress at the same time, this made working with the HTML codes a bit less confusing because we were able to highlight the exact section we wanted to work on at that time.

Social media plays a major role in our websites because it is another outlet for marketing, I included my blogger account which features several blogs regarding different topics we discussed throughout the semester. Including my blogger account allows the viewer to learn more information about me that is not included on my website and take a closer look.  Other students included their professional Facebook and Twitter accounts which is another great way to network and market because these social media accounts feature more personal information and photographs which wouldn’t be found on the website. These days social media accounts are necessary for the promotion of yourself or your business so not including this information would make our websites appear to be outdated, keeping things like this updated allows for better responses. Not only is social media a great way to network it also allows for another outlet of communication, along with the internet email and phone number we included.

Overall these websites provide great personal promotion even without including social media, on my website I included a brief personal biography about myself in third person. As far as my portfolio I decided to include several pieces of my work including fliers, posters and brochures - I also included personal projects such as my resume, business card and logo which is a great way to promote myself and my work. Including these personal documents allows you to promote yourself and whatever business you’re trying to build, I thought it was very important that I included my resume for anyone that may be interested.

Although we’ve covered several different topics throughout the semester I enjoyed the construction of the website the most, I felt like it was an entirely new learning experience and allowed me to get familiar with the HTML code family once again. It was very rewarding to see the final product of the website once it was completed.

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