Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sending My Love

            I was extremely excited for the postcard project because I was thrilled to be able to use one of my own photos for a project, I couldn't wait to see how it would turn out and get started on it. My main objective for the postcard was to make it extremely simple, I wanted it to be informative so I felt that the text should be the most important element of the card opposed to images and design. The more I thought about the layout of the design I knew that I wanted it to be something that related well to my personality and had an elegant touch to it as well.. So for that I took to everyone's favorite search engine, google - here I found numerous lace backgrounds which I loved because of the colors, simplicity and I felt it would give the design great texture.

So here we are, I have decided on my photo and background.. Next that left me with color and text style which was actually still part of the fun stuff, I decided to correlate my entire background to the lace color scheme which was black and different hues of grays, so I decided to stay with black to keep it simple and toned down, I also feel like these colors communicate me quite well because they're powerful yet still a bit mysterious. For text style I wanted something that was elegant and simple, also keeping with the lace theme I had going on so I decided on something more fancy for the fonts an almost cursive, yet neater text for the body - and for my header which was my name I downloaded a custom font from an online website which I absolutely adored and I felt it went with the theme very well, it was loose and swirly. I really wanted to go with something more elaborate as far as the font was concerned because I didn't want to overload with design and as I mentioned above I wanted the text to do the talking, literally. Plus I'm a quite elaborate individual myself so I thought what better way to communicate that L-O-L!

For the design hierarchy I wanted it to be simple like the rest of the project, and I decided that my name was the most important piece of information, however looking back now I wish that I would have maybe used initials instead - something a bit more creative. My design hierarchy didn't quite turn out exactly as I wanted to because I ran out of space and I didn't want to make it huge and crowd the entire project so I decided to keep it toned down, it is still one of the first thing the eye grabs however not quite as powerful as I would have liked it to be.

When it came to putting everything into action in the Adobe Creative Suite it was actually quite painless. It is actually very fascinating to see your work in other applications and how easily something can be imported to the next program. The most tedious part of the entire assignment for me was the text wrap, I'm not quite sure if I was doing something wrong or if my image file was corrupted but the text wrap would not work together with my image, and I struggled for hours trying to solve the issue so eventually I found a way to make it work however the text isn't as close to the image as I wish that it would have been, I won't complain though. I really enjoyed learning how to silhouette images in Photoshop, its such a cool tool and I can certainly see myself using it in the future for personal projects.

Although this project got quite tricky at times it was an overall great learning experience seeing how well all of these programs can work together and how there are things you can do in one place and things that just aren't achievable in others. I used Indesign as my home base for the project and this is where I imported everything to, I also used indesign for my text and fonts. Photoshop came in handy for the image, here is where I silhouetted,edited and made any other necessary changes to the image and Illustrator is where I brought the background in and built it up, and how I created my own shapes which I wanted to correlate with the background and it turned out nicely. I would say this project was very helpful because going forward i'm certain that using all of the suites together will be necessary especially for the website that we will build. I also think that this knowledge will be helpful for our upcoming brochure project.

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